Emotions and feelings are concealed within the complexity of my textile works, revealed through embroidery motifs. The subtle nuances in my designs hold meaning and breathe life into the artwork. I like to speak of imbuing materials that have been discarded or unseen for years with a sense of vitality and bringing them to life. Through their pliability in use, they are willing and tangible to mold and rearrange, thus collectively devising a plan to embark on a new life.

'Slow art' offers tranquility and space to contemplate what truly matters. It provides me with a deeper understanding of the concept of 'time.' By dedicating time to constructing and becoming closely connected with my work, I find each stitch a personal challenge. Embroidery gives me a sense of liberation, which is always worthwhile.
I can incorporate all of my emotions into the subjects of my embroidery, including sadness, pain, and joy. This personal aspect breathes life into my pieces.